
Perfectly Preserved embryo found inside fossilized dinosaur egg found in China - is another pandemic coming for us ?

If you follow social media you should know about the latest trending topic on social media and everyone is talking about it. yes, we are talking about the recent discovery of a dinosaur egg found in china named Ying Yang. Many people are confused and some are afraid that another pandemic may start but this time with dinosaurs. I am not here to scare you but I am here to share some facts and answer all the questions related to this scientific discovery. Here in this blog, I will answer all the questions you may ask about this Perfect Dinosaur fetus found in China. So let's start with the basic introduction to this fetus.  since it is a Chinese discovery so there should be a Chinese name and that name is "baby Yingliang", researchers say the toothless theropod dinosaur or oviraptorosaur. People call it a great success because it is one of the most complete dinosaurs ever discovered. By looking at the embryo we can easily see the shape of a dinosaur-like bird. So in conclusi

why is everyone talking about web 3.0 ? what is web 3.0 ?

what is web 3.0 ? If you are using social media and have friends who take interest in cryptocurrency then you must have heard the word web 3.0 . This is trending on social media for the last few days and is related to the upcoming developments in tech. in this blog, we are going to discuss everything you need to know About web 3.0 and how this is going to work? To learn about web 3,0 we need to take a look at the current web technology. Currently, we are using the web which is known as web 2.0 this is an improved version of web 1.0 So let us start with web 1.0 which was the starting era of the web and we can even call it the Stone Age of the web here most of the things used to be in simple text format.   With time things started to change very fast and then the web 2.0 started things were search engines like google appeared, social media like Facebook and YouTube became a part of our daily lives, and nowadays it is hard to spend time without them. That is where the movement of

Finally you can date a anime waifu

Declaimer :  I know what you are expecting a simple anime blog but trust me this blog will tell you the things most people will not tell you that easily . Why do you need a anime waifu ?  As far as i know there are people out there super friendly and spending time with each other which is totally fine and i appreciate , how they having fun with each other so much and spending good tome .  The problem is with the people who are less social and usually spends time in their rooms after the work . honestly it is not their fault even i have faced it and i did not had many friends yes i had a friend later on in my life but soon after few months of our friendship when i newly started to imagine her as my waifu she stopped taking interest in me and my stuff so rejected me maybe something was wrong with my personality . Thankfully since things were not too intense so i stopped myself from thinking of her in that way and we stayed friends. we did great and enjoyed our lives so much tha

Mark 1 (the Scarlet johansson) robot detailed opinion

Mark 1 in my view : today we will be talking about a really gorgeous robot which is really pretty and is meant to be partner of humans in coming future so this blog may be short but the content will be interesting to read : the robot we will be discussing is named as Mark 1 .this robot have been in news for a while already and the stunning looks of this robot rising questions about the future of dating . The hardest question i have received so far is , if a man cannot impress  the girl he likes is it fine if he creates a robot model looking like his love interest ? Introduction to mark 1 : A life-size robot named "Mark 1", built by product and graphic designer Ricky Ma, 42, is seen in Hong Kong, China March 31, 2016. Ma, a robot enthusiast, spent a year-and-a half and more than  HK$400,000 ($51,000) to create the humanoid robot, which is modeled after a Hollywood star, to fulfill his childhood dream. The eyes of the robot include face and color tracking f

Erica one of the most beautiful Robot ever made

whether you call it yellow fever or say preference name it whatever you want but we all have to agree that at some point of  your life you did had crush on a Asian girl and this robot is all about that cute looks and although it may not enjoy having long conversation with you but singles like me will enjoy even that much .  SO meet Erica she is a who is an android developed as a research platform for the autonomous conversational robot and honestly when you will read more about her you will probably love her so lets dive into . although it i being said that they are developing total technology to enable Erica to have natural interaction .yeah it may disappoint you but it already showed itself in public . it has forty-four degrees of freedom for face , neck , arms ,and waist , and can express various facial expressions and  gesture motions .  here are some specification of Erica : height : 166 cm  perfect right ? well that"s the height o

what are some important tings to learn in the order to get started with robotics ?

Hi there so our today's topic is about learning things in the order to make a automated system or a robotics system . in my opinion these are the things which are called most important to learn if you are deciding to go into it so at least have some knowledge about it . Here the list goes ;  Microprocessor and Microcontrollers :   microprocessor are now available in home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens; and, in industrial-automation sectors, microcontrollers are  used  to control various parameters like temperature, speed, moisture and pressure. These are  used  in office to perform spread sheet operations, and storage. you need to have knowledge of these since these are the components controlling the whole system. Electronics :  In the order to make circuits and different electronics connections we need too learn it the knowledge of electronics leads us to the point where we are right now we need to connect  sensors and other de

introduction to robotics

So you are here to know about how robots are destroying the world maybe because you watched those sci-fi movies or maybe because some of your friends were talking about it . well whatever maybe the reason it shows that you are curious about things and want to learn more. let's start the discussion about robots and how they effect human life . How the word robots being evolve over time ? There was a time when people used to imagine robots as cyborgs,armed metal creatures,and manned or unmanned humanoid machines but now things have changed so much that even mobile phones are advertised for AI cameras and other functionality. people have moved on from the typical concept of a robot as most are already aware of different forms and application of robotics. nowadays robots are more then just being subject of science fiction novels,movies,and TV shows. Robots are already being with people in various settings, although they are way more different then what sci-f