why is everyone talking about web 3.0 ? what is web 3.0 ?

what is web 3.0 ?

If you are using social media and have friends who take interest in cryptocurrency then you must have heard the word web 3.0 . This is trending on social media for the last few days and is related to the upcoming developments in tech. in this blog, we are going to discuss everything you need to know About web 3.0 and how this is going to work? To learn about web 3,0 we need to take a look at the current web technology. Currently, we are using the web which is known as web 2.0 this is an improved version of web 1.0 So let us start with web 1.0 which was the starting era of the web and we can even call it the Stone Age of the web here most of the things used to be in simple text format.


With time things started to change very fast and then the web 2.0 started things were search engines like google appeared, social media like Facebook and YouTube became a part of our daily lives, and nowadays it is hard to spend time without them.

That is where the movement of web 3.0 came in where people of talking about making a new internet where these tech giants like Facebook and Google etc cannot control our data. So new types of search engines and social media are being created where nobody is tracking our data. In simple words, we can say the web 3.0 movement is all about letting regular people like you and me use and control a small amount of internet along with different tech giants of the world. Like being a shareholder. 

 How web 3.0 would work?

Web 3.0 will work on the principle of blockchain which also works on cryptocurrency In case if you do not know then let me tell you about blockchain. In web 2.0 different servers store our data and based on which we see our search results. all those servers are owned by a bunch of different companies.  In a blockchain, however, the data is going to be on different servers which are not owned by one company it is collectively owned by everyone. So basically you will own these companies and whenever they make money you can earn some cash. 

Current update about web 3.0 ?

Right now it might just sound like imagination but people are seriously working on it and are intended to invest in it. It will be nice to see how things go for its future.


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