Perfectly Preserved embryo found inside fossilized dinosaur egg found in China - is another pandemic coming for us ?

If you follow social media you should know about the latest trending topic on social media and everyone is talking about it. yes, we are talking about the recent discovery of a dinosaur egg found in china named Ying Yang. Many people are confused and some are afraid that another pandemic may start but this time with dinosaurs. I am not here to scare you but I am here to share some facts and answer all the questions related to this scientific discovery.

Here in this blog, I will answer all the questions you may ask about this Perfect Dinosaur fetus found in China.

So let's start with the basic introduction to this fetus.

 since it is a Chinese discovery so there should be a Chinese name and that name is "baby Yingliang", researchers say the toothless theropod dinosaur or oviraptorosaur. People call it a great success because it is one of the most complete dinosaurs ever discovered. By looking at the embryo we can easily see the shape of a dinosaur-like bird. So in conclusion we can say that the chicken you eat is the offspring of a dinosaur.

In the case of modern birds, this suspension is known as "tucking" - behavior is controlled by the central nervous system and is critical to the success of hatching. Based on the research carried out on the fetus, researchers believe that such premarital sex is probably the product of non-avian theropods.

The best thing about this fetus is that it is exposed to its environment without much disruption during fossilization. According to the information available online I think we are 27 inches long from head to tail, this animal is kept inside an elongated egg 17 cm long. These historical findings are available at the Yingliang Stone Nature History Museum.

The first author and Ph.D. researcher at the University of Birmingham, Fion waisum Ma, stated: “Dinosaur embryos are one of the most unusual fossils and most of them are incomplete as bones have been extracted. We are very happy with the discovery of “Baby Yingliang” - it is well maintained and helps us answer many questions about dinosaur growth and reproduction.

Professor Lida Xing of the China University of Geosciences, the co-author of the study, said: “The dinosaur fetus was discovered by Yingliang Group director Liang Liu as a fossil in suspected 2000 fossils. During the construction of the Yingliang Stone Nature History Museum in 2010, museum staff screened in the museum and found specimens.


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