introduction to robotics

So you are here to know about how robots are destroying the world maybe because you watched those sci-fi movies or maybe because some of your friends were talking about it . well whatever maybe the reason it shows that you are curious about things and want to learn more.
let's start the discussion about robots and how they effect human life .

How the word robots being evolve over time ?

There was a time when people used to imagine robots as cyborgs,armed
metal creatures,and manned or unmanned humanoid machines but now things have changed
so much that even mobile phones are advertised for AI cameras and other functionality.
people have moved on from the typical concept of a robot as most are already aware
of different forms and application of robotics.

nowadays robots are more then just being subject of science fiction novels,movies,and TV
shows. Robots are already being with people in various settings, although they are way more different then what sci-fi stories used to show them.many people believe that our life will change with them.

robots are being used in a wide range of applications as mentioned,robots are different then stereotype made 
by science fiction literature and movies etc. 

How are robots helping humans? :

Manufacturing :  

 As most of you already know that  many aspects of manufacturing process have already become automated and robots play an important role in automation. some of the examples are robotic welding, assembly,painting ,pert transfers,and machine tending. production process become significantly more effective and consistent when robots are used. 

Exploration and navigation : 

As we already knows that a lot of exploration is left but there are situations and places which are way too risky for humans .that's where robots comes into play .as such robots serves as the preferred tools since they can service many environmental headboards . for instance robots can explore the deep sea the situations like space exploration is hard for humans but for robots its much more easy so explorations like these are best for robots to explore .robots are also used in navigation for military and also for common people as most of you must have used google map until now .

Agriculture :  

There are many robots used in nearly every field of agriculture . tasks like planting , harvesting , and produce , sorting and packing are slowly being automated using robots .

Exoskeletons : 

These are also known as powered exoskeletons , robotics exoskeletons are wearable machines that usually integrate  pneumatic and hydraulic systems, levers , and electric motors usually to augment limb functions . these machines usually amplify the strength of the people who wear them , so they can do tasks they may not be able to do without it.

Material handling :  

At the warehouse the robots now are used to monitor and move the material from one place to another safely and effectively .

Assistive technology :

Assistive technology help people like handicaps or debilitating conditions in living independently . there are robot assistive devices or appliance that helps facilitate in moving and access for people with physical disabilities.

Benefits of using robots :  

Robots gives several benefits to humans in nearly every sector we are using robots the main reasons for this is 
robots do not get tired .
robots do the work more efficiently .
robots takes less time then humans to do the same task.
robots are more consistent.
with the help of robots mass production gets easier .
robots makes the assembly much more faster .
robots do not need lunch breaks or any breaks during work.

Conclusion : 

As you have already read the whole discussion you must be having the idea about it so i would like to state that robots are making the human life much more better then it was in past and it may increase in coming time.


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